about me

Hello! My name is Jaimie Smith. I am a herbalist and the founder of Botanica Balance. Since I was a little girl I’ve always known I wanted to help people. I was fascinated with medicine and took the traditional nursing route. I was quickly disillusioned. As I learned more about western medicine and the ways capitalism shaped the way we care for ourselves, I began to question. My final straw was seeing first hand, the disparities of care that people of color receive under that system. I couldn’t be apart of it anymore. Instead, I decided to take my power back. I set out to learn the natural ways our ancestors healed themselves. Humans have been using plants as medicine since we've existed. I learned how the world of herbalism has changed and am still learning everyday. As a herbalist, I want to give you your power back. I want to educate and supply you with the tools you need to be your own first line of defense. When the common cold or fever hits your household, you’ll have the knowledge and resources to help you and the people around you. I want to reawaken your power to heal yourself with plants from the Earth. It’s your right. They were put there for a reason. Now is the time to take your power back!

about the brand

Our aim is to put the power of healing back into our own hands. We rely heavily on pharmaceuticals as a first resort to common ailments and disorders that humans have experienced since existence. I want to remind people that we have the power to be our own first line of defense. We can heal our own bodies with plants from the Earth, just as out ancestors did, and just as we should teach our children. We do not need to feel powerless in the face of a runny nose, or a stubborn infection.